

Pepe AND A Dog? Yes fellah, that‘s PUPPE!

meme coin

The Final Combo - Commenter in Chief

Buy PepeCoinCA: 3xXJdbBPfdLH5GAinq7xRQeod4ttvmcztv9XMjaw4BL7

I'm watching...

You see that up there 👆?

That‘s our work. The bot will be availble to anyone moderating a group/channel and comments cool stuff on buys.

We will be adding new additions, AI behind and parameters. This will turn Puppe into the smartest commenter in the SOL universe.

How it started?

Puppe started from a brilliant idea and not so brilliant Dev who jeeted an otherwise amazing meme coin. The community worked together, working hard, donating to community wallets, shilling, meming, a star was born.

What‘s happning?

The community fell in love with the meme, and now, we want this meme to start commenting on the buys LIVE as they‘re happning. See Puppe commenting live on your buys above.

What‘s next?

Puppe needs your help to keep the project going. We are going to integrate an ai and turn Puppe into a general commenter on all coins. Just invite the bot in your channel, select the tone of the bot, and let its AI do the work in commenting crazy stuff about buys on your groups!

The Puppe Team

Meet the team behind the dankest cryptocurrency.

Team member
YOU!You the community are the team behind Puppe. We love you!

The Roadmap

Dominate the solana channels commenting cool stuff about buys


This is an entirely community run project. Your donations to the community wallet will help keep us pushing for the total domination of channels!

If you can‘t donate, then help by keeping the floor intact and let the rest continue working hard to keep pushing